Oatmeal Skin Bath – Chamomile & Lavender

COLLOIDAL OATMEAL, CHAMOMILE & LAVENDER. All of these are ready to calm & soothe your itchy irritated skin.

 After your bath try one of our custom aromatherapy oils (made just for you) to massage into your skin.

Let us know how this bath works for you!



Aside from the well known colloidal oatmeal bath, this has triple soothing effects. Both Chamomile and Lavender are calming to soothe irritated or dry itchy skin. In addition to Epsom salt, we added purely isolated Magnesium flakes for more of this great mineral to be absorbed. Magnesium helps our skin and soothes body tension.

Many people with skin inflamed, itchy skin often turn to colloidal oatmeal baths as a way to find temporary relief.

This bath is milled rolled oats, ground organic chamomile flowers, bakings soda, combined with pure Roman Chamomile & Lavender essential oils. All of these dry ingredients promote soothing & balance. After the bath try one of our custom balms massaged into your skin.

