Eucalyptus & Menthol Minerals Bath

EUCALYPTUS & MENTHOL Combined with the steam from your bath create a minty vapor you can really feel, to soothe your nose & throat.

Ka-Pow! The minerals provided in the multiple salts and added Magnesium flakes replenish, relax & soothe the tired achy body.

Let us know how this bath works for you!



This minerals bath is focused on helping you breathe easy, and relaxing achy muscles. Especially helpful to have on hand during cold and flu season, or for a training athlete with a tired body.

So what gives the Ka Pow!?

Eucalyptus & Menthol.

Pure Eucalyptus essential oil plays a big role. Eucalyptus is known in the world of aromatherapy as having mucolytic and anti-inflammatory properties. Double Powers. Scientifically this is due to it’s chemical composition being majority 1,8-cineole, a natural monoterpene, also known as eucalyptol. Take a look at this 2013 STUDY on the efficacy of cineol in patients who have bronchitis. Mucolytics breakdown the chemical structure of mucus molecules which makes them easier to flush from our bodies.

Pure, non synthetic Menthol crystals, are the second part of breathe easy. The organic compound Menthol occurs naturally within the Mentha arvensis plant, also known as Corn Mint or Japanese Mint. Menthol Crystals are felt by many to help breathe easier, relieve nasal congestion, soothe sore throats, and more.

For added support, while you immerse your body & breathe easy, the added minerals provided are absorbed through the skin. Dead Sea Salt has 21 naturally occurring minerals alone, plus we have Pink Himalayan Salt, and Epsom salts (Magnesium chloride). Alone those salts would make a great soaking for tired muscles. Just to give that extra boost, pure isolated Magnesium flakes. The absorption of all these added minerals can give your muscles a boost towards revitalization and relaxation.
